
Showing posts from September, 2022

Project 2 // Personal Branding

Here is my final video for my personal tag. It was going well until several effects stopped working at the last minute. The letters were supposed to stretch at the end and a little star animation was supposed to show up. I'm not sure why this happened but I had been having a lot of difficulties with After Effects up until it stopped working. The letter stretch is still kind of there but it's kind of jerky and awkward now but I was not able to salvage the little star animation at all. The gradient background also moved in a loop and that did not export at all.  I'm glad I got most of it working but I am still quite disappointed not everything did.   

Duiks Tools / Puppet Rig

Tutorial // Project 2

  I tried using a droplet effect to reveal my name and other information on the screen. I'm happy that it worked and that it looks quite interesting but I have to find a way for the screen to be black and for everything to be actually revealed like I want it to be. 

Project 1 // Kinetic Type

           Here is my final video. I'm not super satisfied with it effects wise just because a lot of them would not work for me but I finally got the timing of the words right which was really hard because in this scene Darcy talks so quickly. I think that was the hardest part of this project for me so it was really satisfying to be able to get it down. I wish the effects and the picture had worked better but I am happy it worked a little bit at least. 

Project 1 // Concept

      For this project, I wanted to take the audio from this scene in Pride and Prejudice (2005) and use the first 30 seconds of it to make a lyric video. I first wrote down all the words being said because so much is said in these 30 seconds and then I tried to make the video. Unfortunately, After Effects keeps crashing on me but thankfully I just got paid so I will soon have an external hard drive to finally be able to save my process. The good thing about having to start from scratch is that I can try out a bunch of different effects on the type, different background colors, different fonts, etc. It's been very enjoyable and I feel like I'm starting to understand the program a lot, especially with the help from videos. I think I'll go in and tweak the audio after I'm finally done with the video too. I did not realize how much the rain impacts what's able to be heard so I might try and take some of it out in Audition.